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Miami Taikai karate  11/11/2023

The Tamashintai USA Karate Do school was present at the Miami Taikai karate competition with a delegation of 10 athletes, obtaining a great performance and a result of 
18 medals. 
6 gold medals  [🥇]  
4 silver medals  [🥈]  
8 bronze medals  [🥉] 

The winners were:

Valentina Moller Oro  [🥇] en Kumite y Plata  [🥈] en Kata.
Anthonella Sifuentes Oro  [🥇] en Kata y Plata  [🥈] en Kumite 
Camila Moller Oro  [🥇] en Kata y oro  [🥇] en Kumite
Fernanda Canquiz Bronce  [🥉] en Kata y Bronce  [🥉] en Kumite
Ricardo Bello Oro  [🥇] en Kata y  [🥇] en Kumite. 
Giovany Martínez bronce  [🥉] en Kumite.
Gabriel Pérez bronce  [🥉] en Kumite.
Eduardo Pérez Bronce  [🥉] en Kata y  [🥉] en Kumite 
Francisco Canquiz plata  [🥈] en Kata y bronce  [🥉] en Kumite 
Josias Sanchez plata  [🥈] en Kata y bronce  [🥉] en Kumite.
We congratulate all the students of our school because every day they strive to improve their skills during their training. 
Let's keep working!!!!!!!! [👏🏼] [👏🏼] [👏🏼]

Exams to go to the next level 05 and 06/04/2023

Last Wednesday, April 5 and Thursday, April 6, the students of the Tamashintai USA Dojo presented their exams to go to the next level. 

We are very proud of their progress and achievements.  keep going warriors.

Kobushi Cup Miami 25/02/2023

Exams dojo tamashintai April 2023
With great success, we participated in the competition debuting and managed to be on the medal table. With the participation of 12 athletes, we obtained 11 medals. 
3 Gold Medals🥇 
2 Silver Medals🥈 
6 Bronze Medals🥉 
Tamashintai USA located in Sarasota, FL, congratulates its students, their parents for the great support in general to the school and their children. Keep moving forward warriors, as this is just the beginning of your great achievements.

Examen de cinta Venezuela, On December 2022

Day of technical evaluation for promotion of degrees, of the Dojos, Tamashintai Diaz, Tamashintai Gama and Dojo Yelitza Campos of the city of Tigre.
Twenty-five athletes participated in the party of colors, including Black Belt exams for students Javmar Diaz Pérez (son) and Adam Hernández.
The evaluation commission was made up of Sensei Gilbert Zerpa, Sensei Wilfredo Delgado and Sensei Argenis Diaz, as well as Sensei Daniel Hernriquez, Sensei Gabriel Durán, Sensei Yelitza Campos and Sensei Javmar Diaz (father).

Photos here

TMAI Inter school - Port St. Lucie

On September 24, 2022 in the City of Port St. Lucie Florida at the Dojo Kaizen facilities, directed by Sensei Sachiko Marquez and our director Soke Anthony Marquez. 

The students of the Tamashintai Usa Dojo participated with 20 athletes. Achieving a good and outstanding participation. Obtaining more than 40 medals, in Kata and Kumite. With a view to regional and national competitions.

Photos here

Soke Márquez Visit Dojo Tamashintai Usa 11/11/2021

With the visit of Maestro Anthony C Marquez to the Tamashintai USA Dojo, the students received a master class, applying techniques of our style of GoJu Ryu, Feeding Crane, among other teachings.
The Master was very pleased with the discipline, strength and concentration shown by the students during their stay at the Dojo.

December 10 2017 California

On December 10, 2017 in the City of California, a great experience to participate in the arbitration course dictated and evaluated by the USA Karate Federation.

Photos here

Championship -Mérida, Venezuela

On October 16, 2016 in the City of Mérida, Venezuela

Photos here


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